of our

AI Toolkit

Buzzin Spots toolkit anatomy

Complete workflow solution across all functionalities


Vision-based cataloging

Eliminate the need for product tagging. Using vision AI, Buzzin Spots understands the visual cues of fashion. This unlocks visual search and better product discovery in the Instagram DM.

Image Search


Product discovery


AI Shopping Assistant

Rich conversations are fuelled by deep context. And Buzz can extract context from images, social feeds and previous activity.

Upload your size guide and watch Buzz recommend sizes based on buyer measurements. Buzz remember your customer's previous activities and suggests products that they might find interesting.

Shorter, faster and personal experience

Product discovery & checkout experience

Vision-powered trending recommendations


Segment Users. Without crunching data.

What gets measured, gets managed.

Conversational data is messy. Making sense of the rich insights on your customer engagements require data crunching skills, only accessible to growth hack teams at Google and Amazon.

Conversational Sales funnel

Segment Users

Build Meta Audiences

Think Google Analytics. For your conversations.

Chatalog untangles conversational data and makes it intuitive and actionable. Now, measure social sales funnel like a website.

Build Meta Audiences by talking to your data.

Finally, take action on these insights! Stop 'spraying and praying' approach to digital advertising. And get precise.​Build smarter audiences using Meta tools like Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences, with Chatalog.


Content Generation for fashion cataloging

On social, content is king. And our suite of tools optimize content generation costs. Our content generation suite includes generating live captions, colour variants and virtual try-on.

Vision-based product captions

Virtual try-on

Colour variants

Ready to convert your Instagram followers into customers?

Contact us for a demo and level up your brand's social selling experience